
Friday, November 03, 2006


In my previous post, I put up pictures of my good friend Adrian and his "big hair". Today, I visit the antonym of such pictures and unveil what is the cause of much sadness that is pumping through my veins. Here it is, the before and after.

This loss has me in a very cold, cold state. Friends, will you mourn with me?


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Jaci said...

Did you donate it like you were thinking of doing?

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Al said...

I weep for you.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger indigo:actress, entertainter, jew-ess... said...

no words....
(as a chick w/ long hair... ya... i'll mourn w/ you...)

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Kev Chen said...

Jaci - No, I didn't. It wasn't long enough. We'll see if I try to grow it out again.

Mark, Al and Noa - Thanks for your compassion. Much love back at ya!

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Margie said...

He he he (mourne if I have too...)
He he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he...

(mourne if I have to)

he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Jason Soper said...

Shall I put on sackcloth and cover myself in ashes or shall I join in on the "he he's" of Margie, lol!! Just kidding, I feel your pain.

Don't wory bro, it'll grow back!!!

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice, Kev. just go shorter next time though. hehehe stevec

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Kev Chen said...

Margie - Why am I not surprised that this is your response? Haha! I'm glad my loss could be your gain. : )

Jason - Sackcloth and ashes is just what the Doctor ordered. Thanks for being my follicle advocate!!

Steve - I've considered shaving my head, but given the current state of the weather, my head is already freezing!! If I do go shorter, I'll have to get a hand from you, bro!!

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Natasha said...

Dear friends it is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of our dear friend. Burnsy you will forever be in our hearts. We shall miss you.

At 12:36 AM, Blogger Kev Chen said...

Nat - Burnsy is not dead, but sleeping. He shall wake sometime in the future from his deep slumber and conquer the world one twisty burn at a time.

J - Right back at ya, sucka!!

Amber - My life's been one big rebellion after another. Perhaps my rebellion shall come in the form of dying my hair deep ocean blue with fiery red tips. Or maybe I'll do nothing and let it be a peaceful protest.


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