
Monday, September 04, 2006

Ms. Burleigh, Grade 1

This past Thursday, I had the privilege of riding into Mississauga Melissa Burleigh. She had to go into school to prepare for some stuff, and I had a meeting with my spiritual director. I drop her off at her school, and I take off for a library to kill one of my papers before my meeting. Later on in the afternoon, I go back and pick her up to head back to Hamilton. I get here a little bit early, so I decide to go inside. As I walk in, I see a sign that says 'Visitors must stop at the office', to which I acknowledge, but completely ignore. I meander around the school like a pervert on a prowl, looking for Melissa. I eventually find her and check out her room. Let me just say that these kids DEFINITELY have a fantastic teacher. I took a few pics of her room. It made me wish I was back in grade 1 again.

Unfortunately, this last picture is affirmation that I'm probably not welcome back anytime in the near future.


At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it! She must make such a great teacher!!

Can you go to the all the FRWYers places of work and take photos? I think that would be fun to see!

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Jaci said...

That is awesome...can't wait to make my own classroom up - I'll be picking her brain it looks fabulous.

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Kev Chen said...

Krista - So would it be a 'Bring your asian to work' day? If so, I'm TOTALLY there!!

Jaci - Melissa's chock full of wicked ideas. The pictures only show the tip of the iceberg. There was so much more cool things in there, like a Maple Leaf Piniata. I was so tempted to take a swing at it to see if there was maple syrup inside.

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks awesome Melissa!!

i totally wish you were my teacher. my grade one teacher was slightly cruel -- my worst report card was in grade one!! (well with the exception of some university grade reports but we won't go there!)

thanks for the inside look kev!


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