For the past few months I've been carpooling with Mel B to Mississauga on Thursdays. I usually meet with my spiritual director these days, but even on the days that I don't have a meeting, I still make it a habit to come to Mississauga because I've found that it really helps me keep a bit more of a "normal" schedule. Plus, I've found that when I'm awake and out of the house, I usually get more stuff done. To top it off, it's always fun being stuck in a car with Melissa, cuz she's always got great stories about her kiddos.
Anyways, I had a great morning. After dropping Melissa off at school, I headed off to the nearby community center and started working on my papers. A few hours later, I was able to crank out 2 of these bad boys. Right now, I'm feeling really good. Will the productivity continue through the day? Probably not, because I've got internet right now, and I've got way too many internet shopping destinations to hit up and not enough time for more papers.
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