
Tuesday, November 21, 2006


In the past month, I've seen my cousins more often in a span of 30 days than I have ever before. Why? Because they're moving to Thailand this Saturday. They are in the midst of packing everything and are under a lot of stress, yet made time to have dinner last night. For the last few times I've seen them, I thought it would be the last time I'd see my cousins for a while. Well, last night, that statement came true. As I prepare to leave for a week long trip to Denver this afternoon, my cousins will already be gone by the time we return.

Last night as we were saying our farewells, it was a very surreal moment. As we were passing out hugs like they were going out of style, I thought to myself 'alright, this is REALLY it!!' I think back to the last 7 or so years that we've had family nearby, and it has been an absolute blessing. But at the same time, I must honestly say that I have totally taken it for granted. For this situation I find myself in, the saying is spot on, where we don't realize the importance of something or someone until they're gone. This is how I feel about my cousins. I miss them already.

Why is this? Why is it so easy to think things will last forever? Why is it so natural to believe that things will remain the same? Is this a reflection of where our culture and society has evolved to, or is it something that I've got some serious issues with? I mean, in looking back at my life, I see this trend where every 4 or so years, I pick up and move. I've never really allowed any roots to really set in, and even if the do, I inevitably grab my chainsaw and rip up whatever has had a chance to grow. Is this self-sabotage?

Anyways, I will miss my cousins. To Anselm, Teresa, Kirsten and Chloe, I wish you all the best as you move to Thailand. Although you will be moving to a new country with a new culture, I know your joyful spirits, tremendous adaptability and deep love for one another will not only keep you all together, but will be an beautiful blessing for those around you. I love you all, and mark my words: I'm gonna come visit, yo!!!!


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